Sunday, August 13, 2006

gah! im just so depressed all of a sudden. i need something to do. seriously.


everybody's living in their own world. especially that stupid vincent tan and siew junming. no matter how many times i say I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH VINCENT TAN, they two just keep thinking im fantasizing over vincent tan like the way siew junming fantasizes over sarah kwan. siew junming and sarah kwan, never man. its the same as me and vincent tan, NEVER. so just stop thinking of me and him. PLEASE! and vincent tan and jacqueline are 7 months and 1 day. i think if thats what i remember. and its not i bother to count, that siew junming told me.

i just watched {my big fat obnoxious boss}. that boss is what i call, irritating. he is basically negative of what everybody does. he is making their lives hell! you win the competition, the prize is you get to sleep on money BUT DUN GET TO KEEP IT. and you know how uncomfortable it is to sleep on paper. omg what kind of reward is this?! and the losers get to spend a night in the junk yard with tents. i think that is more comfortable than sleeping on money especially when you cant keep it. talk about temptation -.-

i'm having a tummy ache. i think the computer radiation is killing my eggs. the labtop is on my tummy. gosh! i have to move again after getting into such a comfortable position. damn!

the incredible hulk is just stupid. its stupidest comic ever! but the creator can think leh. he said the first thing a super hero would do is not buy a costume. so, he made a hulk. at first it was grey in color but the printer couldn't keep the color so it changed to green :D YAY! IT BECAME THE INCERDIBLE HULK , green in color.

"the angrier he gets, the bigger he gets. but that doesn't mean better. so call HAPPY-HULK {42779-4855} and stand a chance to win (i didnt hear)"

ii just read a tag b0ard. sh0meone p0stedd a c0mment and the bl0gskiiner rejected it and asked herr tuuh take up engliishh less0ns. hahax. ubber funniie ((x

i love my blogskin. don't you love it? masquerade. but who knows what it means anw. but the mask is super nice! i wanna own one of that. muahahah and i shall personalise my own masquerade skin. :D yay! lol

i wanna change hotmail add. i mean it sounds stupid. i created it when i was p5, wad do you expect. maybe i will change it. but its just too troublesome. add all over again. maybe i will create or or . ahh its stupid -.- i cant think right now. when i have inspiration then i will create a new one.

when is the stupid vcd coming? im going crazy over it. i keep seeing the episode 1-15 disc. i hope i will see 16-30. or maybe there is only 20. duno i just wanna see the number 16.

i duno what to wear during the musical. i haven bought a dress yet. just cant find a nice one. maybe i will wear a skirt. but i duno what top matches the skirt. its a red skirt. gah! im going mad about this musical. its this saturday. omg its like so near yet so far?

eye of gold ; thigh of blue ; true or false ; who is who?


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